Practical information
How to reach KIT Campus North
Visitor address:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone: +49 721 608-0
By car and by public transport
Hotel recommendations
Karlsruhe town center / Central railway station
Karlsruhe Nord / Neureut / Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Bus shuttle service
A bus shuttle service from Karlsruhe town center to KIT Campus North in the morning (and back from KIT Campus North to town center in the evening) will be provided - please check the route for pick-up stops. Daily pick-up times are listed here.
Just in case you missed the bus...
Take the tram line S1/S11 from Karlsruhe central station / town center / Marktplatz going north in the direction of “Hochstetten”. Leave the tram at the station “Leopoldstrasse” in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen – the community north of Karlsruhe hosting KIT north campus. There you have to switch to the Bus line 195 going east towards the village of “Blankenloch”. Leave the bus at “KIT Campus Nord Südtor” (KIT main gate and visitor entrance). The FTU building is just opposite from the bus stop at “Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz”.
More information at the KVV website
Please note!
Photography of posters and presentation slides is generally illegal without the expicit consent of the responsible author(s). During the event, photos (including a group photo at the excursion) will be made which will be potentially published in various media for the purpose of event reporting.
Preferred presentation formats
- Beamer presentation slides (MS Powerpoint / PDF): 16:9
- Posters: ISO A0 portrait-orientation
Public WiFi access
Sightseeing and Dining in Karlsruhe
Official Website of Karlsruhe Tourismus GmbH